Friday, November 28, 2008

BSA Old Rag-Rose Farm 11-08

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Scouting for Food

Scouting for Food is an annual food collection orchestrated by Scouts of the National Capital Area Council. Area Scouts distribute plastic bags to homes across the region and return to pick up the bags, now filled with food, one week later. Collected food is distributed to needy families throughout the communities of the Council.

We collected over 3,000 pounds of food. Great job

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Laurel Caverns

This was a great trip to Laurel caverns. It was the firsts from our new scouts but they survived they 17 degree weather. A 3 hour Caving hike was the high adventure activity for the older scouts.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Big Guns at Bull Run

This was a great trip to Laurel caverns. It was the firsts from our new scouts but they survived they 17 degree weather. AS 3 hour Caving hike was the high adventure activity for the older scouts.

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