Thursday, February 26, 2009

C&O Hike Bike

Great Bike/Hike on the canal

The weather really held out for us. The 29/6 miles that we covered were a bit rough at times due to the mud however we are glad that everyone had a great time. Despite some logistical (driving, shuttling) challenged the troop persevered. We are pleased that the Scouts were prepared for the cold and wind at the camp. Some Scouts need to remember to stake down their tents to prevent them from blowing away. The new troop and patrol leadership did a fine job (although some patrols could have done a better job provisioning their meals). David F. did a fabulous job as the MC for the campfire with the Eagles winning the campfire skit competition. I think I recall that the SPL announced that the Bears Patrol won the cooking competition with their “Mini-Burgers” menu.

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